Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I remember her so clearly, hiding behind a bus stop
waiting for us to go inside my uncle's sushi restaurant,
her mother taking care of business, leaving me behind,
disregard for her wants and needs, just one simple reason,
want my daughter to marry a rich man, do not repeat
your mistakes again, get rid of what is between you and your
happiness, that child, HIS daughter.
That image of my mother haunts me to this very day, hiding
behind that bus stop sign, waiting, watching.


  1. I see your mother
    every morning
    on my way to work
    she is grave
    prone to returning a smile
    from some who strangely
    resembles her son
    on my way to work
    at 9th & Harrison
    day laborers
    sipping dollar-a-cup coffee
    tasty pastries
    swirling cigarette smoke
    and your mother
    over there
    waiting for a bus
    or family

  2. Thank you for your poetic reply, Arnoldo!
