Thursday, February 23, 2012

Magical Harmony

Wandering Windy Hill Open Space Preserve with my good friend one afternoon,
Felt Mother's love, her sweet love, in forms of natural living beings.

Walked a narrow dirt path next to Sausal Pond covered with thickets and ferns,
One would not walk down this path as the dryness of grass and shrouds of trees
do not make an easy path, but something was calling me to take a peek.

Past the thistles, we strolled, hearing little chirps everywhere, there was so much life
in this lifeless dried up place, only had to open our ears and hearts, and She was there.
Mallard ducks and other birds drifted in quiet happiness on this magical Sausal Pond,
I thought you wouldn't think such a place existed in Portola Valley, but here it was.

The path suddenly ended and there it was, a bush-like stout tree and a pretty song sparrow
sang and flew around to call out her cheerful greeting, then dove straight down
under this bushy stout tree, five feet away from me, so close, and the song sparrow was not afraid.

I watched in pure amazement as she started shaking her body in nature's dance
She jostled back and forth making her ground nest, so close to me, inviting me to take a look.
Laughing with pure delight and calling out to the song sparrow, "Hello there, what are you doing?
Thank you for sharing with me, your nature's love dance, making a love nest for your little ones
who will surely come with this winter's passing, I am blessed to witness such beauty."

We walked back to the main trail, feeling the love of nature and my friend showing me
miner's lettuce and cleavers, still hearing bird songs all around me and can't seem to shake
this feeling that She is there with us and She wants to show me her love and her nature's children.

Seeing movements through bushes to my right, I peer and peek through the ground
thinking what birds are rustling around these grounds, calling for our rapt attention, and there I see,
Two long brown ears twitching and there she goes, a cottontail rabbit, hopping away,
And I clap and laugh in enchantment of this rabbit and this place and I know She is here.

My heart is open and the magic is here, She is here with me, sending me signs to feel her presence,
Birds greet me with their love songs in the morning outside my bathroom window,
Whirling around in funny circles in front of me and I'm giggling in my car driving to work in the morning,
Sea gulls flying lazily past in a flock as I am driving down Highway 101 thinking of Her,
Moths dance in front of me in little twirls in this house and I laugh at their antics and their love,
This magical harmony, in front of my eyes, and I believe Her, She is with me.

So much love, so much magic, so much happiness, my heart constantly aching with everyone's love
and feelings, and I treasure each and every moment of my life and I worship her beauty, her power,
her compassion, her love, her sunshine, her natural children with humble devotion and many thanks.

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